Thursday 11 March 2010

F.M.P Proposal | Decision time...

As our last year at college draws nearer, so does the inevitable final major project. The project is loosely based around the word DNA, and it is up to us to create something that's our personal representation of the theme.

Concept |

There are quite a few paths I could take, like tracing my ancestry, pursue my genetics (like how I came to be the way I am, stealing traits from my parents and their parents) or even touch subjects such as evolution and how it occurred. However, like I said in my earlier post about FMP ideas, I'm still sticking to the area of genetics and pursuing that as my spring board to launch into the project. My reason for choosing Genetics as a focus is because 1, I find it very interesting (inheriting traits from parents) 2, I don't want the project to be very personal to me but instead I want everyone to be able to relate to it somehow. I understand how people will look at DNA as something personal and a chance for them to explore one's background, but I wanted to take a step going some other way where my work actually projects some sort of connection with people. I want to look into inheritance of traits from our genes, as that is something everyone can relate to. The title for my project will come as I'm doing the project... too early to decide now.

Secondary Research |

I will be researching very deeply into this section, like the genome language, our genome sequencing, our phenotypes and genotype and more, making sure I have enough information to back up my work every step of the project. Since my research has to be thorough, I will have to check out some books about genetics, DNA and since I don't really remember much from my science class back in school, maybe I could have a look at 'Genetics for Dummies'. I will also be looking into articles about the topic online, that maybe expand my knowledge on the subject.

Primary Research |

I have already visited the Wellcome Exhibit in london , '8 rooms | 9 lives', as my primary source of research and I'm pleased that I have gathered a good amount of data from there, relevant to my project as there was a whole section on genome there(The Library of Human Genome in particular was my main interest there). I haven't a clue about any other places I can check out that inform people about DNA/Genetics, but I will have a look around Birmingham and see if such places are around.

Much Ado About Nothing | Final Deliverable

How I want to make my project come to be? It's quite simple actually, I just choose my strength or a field I am comfortable in and just pick that. I will be delivering this project through Typography. I am both comfortable with it and I have a great passion for it, so I will be doing my possible best to achieve the possible best out of this project. At the end, there will be a final A-Z(both upper and lowercases) completed with numbers and punctuation and possibly a whole completed font family. To present the font, there will definitely be 2 large posters to promote the font at the end of year show. I was also thinking about printed/digital booklets that were there in the show that included the font inside them(with info. about the font and how the idea for it came), so it could be something people could take away with them or have a look at home on their computers. One more thing! As I will be promoting the font, there is a possibility it will be up for free download, that is if it doesn't turn out to be a cryptic type font, so I will be providing or showing the link to where the font can be downloaded at the show. To create the font I could take a traditional approach, or I could create it digitally, which I already have sourced out sites like Fonstruct to help me out.

I will also be looking at a wide range of typographic artists to fuel my inspiration and ideas in this project. This will give me a chance to view different styles and experiments other artists hold in their work and maybe try that in my own.

Experimentation and Development |

As one of my opportunities, I have an unlimited range of materials to experiment with to make my project come to be. So I will be experimenting with everything and anything that I can use, that will include traditional materials like paint, card, plastic and digital techniques with software like photoshop and illustrator. I will be holding all of my development work in my sketchbook and some research will go in there too, but I will blog everything back to list my progress in the project.

The Deadlines! | The Money?

The only minor worry I have is the deadline for the project. The development is supposed to be finished by April 19, which restricts the amount of work I may produce at the end. But its not a big problem, I just need to work faster. Another worry is the budget, as I don't have a massive budget, the materials that I may want to experiment with might be hard to get a hold of, like software for computer and all the printing costs. I will find a way around that problem though, it's not something that holds anyone back to produce work.

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