Okay.. Now that the font is designed, it's time I get all the plans sorted for my end of year show! and the same question keeps popping up, HOW to show a hybrid font???? I could have some sort of a mural on the wall representing the stages of the hybrid, or I could have the posters printed and have a simple exhibition! But, looking at the exhibitions I researched, I want to do something more challenging and exciting, so that when people walk by my exhibit, there are atleast some heads nodding along with appreciation, as I want people to really enjoy my work.
After some really dry and dull moments of trying to come up with a solution for my show, and with some help from my group mate Alaa, the idea of sonograms emerged! Before, this is the time before I had even started making my font, I had wanted to make a poster for the hybrid font so that you could literally see the hybrid being conceived by the parent fonts. That idea certainly got some noses going up in disgust but to me it seemed like a cool concept. With the sonogram idea, it is more or less the same concept just more 'family friendly' I guess.
For those who don't know, a sonogram is a scanned image of a pregnant woman's unborn child in her tummy!
And the idea here is that instead of the unborn child, I want to place a hybrid letter in there, and I will make a little animation which hopefully replicates a sonogram imagery, with all the movements and other stuff!
When I pitched this idea to my tutor and some of my group mates, I got reactions that said 'hmmm. not sure if it's gonna work', but I'm still gonna charge on with this idea as it definitely seems the right thing to me..... and only time will tell how people will react to this!
With the sonogram animation, I will display that on a imac, and whether it needs to be hidden or not I still need to decide on that! Which will be set on a table along side the mum of the hybrid, the serif font letter, which will have wires going from it to the mac monitor (replicating a sonogram equipment).

At first I did want to try and make the sonogram equipment, but that is just too much and too unnecessary, all I want to show is the sonogram image and that bond between the mum and dad and the hybrid and to be honest, I don't think I will be hiding the imac screen, it won't effect the show in anyway plus it will just make things so much simpler for me...
I'm guessing all this writing is just making the idea seem like a mess, so I need to produce some visuals for the show, which I will get cracking at!