This is a collection of pictures of typography around Birmingham city centre. It really shows the diversity in type we have around us and so casually seem to walk past it everyday without giving it much thought. Walking around Birmingham and actually switching your eyes to typography that you normally wont look at twice, it really opens up your knowledge of how type is found in different places, serving different kinds of purposes and conveying different messages. One of the examples of noticing new things about typography in Birmingham is how I never really payed much attention to 'ghost typography', where the letters were almost invisible against the surface, deteriorated by the weather and age, but you can still manage to see what was there before, like a print left behind, which I think is quite amazing.

This little graffitied work got my attention straight away, and for some reason I just thought it was really cool typography. The hand writing gives the type an energetic and expressive look, which you can never capture in digitally produced typography work.

It is really awesome to see such a great part of Birmingham still surviving surrounded by all this re-generation, and making Birmingham into this up-to-date place, which is not a bad thing, just nice to see that something survived through all this.

Typography in the snow...

haha, a bit of super-sized snow ball fun!
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