Mmmmm. Our tutor, Simon, told us that it is time to start thinking about our end of year show, and how we are going to present our hard work to the public! And he also added that they want to decorate the feed studio inspired by Damien Hirst's Pharmacy installation, since our FMP theme is DNA, it's very appropriate and kinda cool really, it'll be like walking through a science exhibition.... just well designed! I have to choose a space in the FEED studio, where it will be most beneficial for my work to be displayed! The shelves are supposed to be looking like a scene from a pharmacy (like rows of medication lined up on them) or something like that... there's just so much space, it's kinda confusing.

Above are snaps form Damien Hirst's Pharmacy installation. Below is work by Peter Saville for New order Fine Time. The Pills + the colour, create an interesting piece of work.

^ Packaging by Mark Farrow. This is interesting, as there could be something done with medicine packaging, by making our own customized labels to go on them, with information about our work?
Also, most of the people in my group have done so, so much more interesting stuff, that it would be great as an installation in the show. My work..... is a font. I'm not putting it down at all, just saying that I just need to do some planning and sketching and a lot of creative thinking for my work to be properly displayed in the show, that is if its going to be! What IS the best way to display a hybrid font??? drawing it? having lame 2d posters? or something else?

I really liked the cover, because of the customized periodic table. Maybe I could put letters of my font in a table like that? or it could be used as a means to insert all of groups work info in the table and displayed somewhere in the studio?
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